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All about me...........

it's a guy thing
say things
one cannot tell,
if u can then locate hell.
you aint blind then say
''I AM HOT''.............

Now a days........
Love is a beautiful trap & evry1 must fall in it!


Friends are better than relatives...


if u have lost the battle...
be strong n dnt lose th war....


Tough time does not last long, tough peoples do ....


When u drive:
It's better to go in PEACE than in PIECES


How you can become a Crorepati?
There are 5 legal ways of becoming rich -
3.save and invest,
4.become an Owner (own equity)
5.win a lottery.
More about me...........

Music, Party, babes and Beer,

I drive my life on the 100th gear........

What people say about me:

  neha: Anshul..Or I shud say Anshul Srivastava...yess coz he doesn't like this :)
Well, you all would be knowing him better than me coz you all have met him, you all would be knowing how intelligent and understanding he is...I can tell you something best this guy is having though we've never met, doesn't know much about each other...yet I find him very calm and compose...He is a person who doesn't think even twice before helping anybody and in his language its an investment.....

Frankly speaking I cannot imagine anybody like him..so helping and so caring without even knowing me...just know my name and even then I would say, one of the richest person at heart ever lived in this materialistic world...or I came across in my life.
He is a friend who will act like a "step" when u r stopped, a "smile" when u r sad, a "shoulder" when u cry.....a gem at heart. I feel happy that he's one of my best friends. I don't know whether he consider me his good friend or not......I wish you success and peace in every walk of your life.

Rohit: He is a simple guy and a management guru...

         He rock simply rock's our world...


attitude is all I' ve got.
smartness i personify
mentally-'do or die'

on earthly babes I cast my spell
can't you see I AM HOT AS HELL .

  "everything is ok in d end.....
if its not ok....
its not d end!!!






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